About the Prime Movers
Mission Statement
It is the goal of each Prime Mover to leave the team as a responsible adult, capable of working as a member or a leader of any team, while also leaving a positive and lasting legacy on our community about the importance of hard work and perseverance. Our team strives to be exemplary gracious and professional at any event we attend, with the central mission of promoting STEM and the ideals of FIRST.
About Us
F.I.R.S.T. (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) was founded in 1989 by Dean Kamen and Woodie Flowers, and the F.I.R.S.T. robotics competition was launched in 1992. The organization's main goal is to develop ways to inspire students in engineering and technology fields. It is also known for its philosophy of cooperative competition, which is expressed by the organization as coopetition and gracious professionalism.
Just like FIRST prides itself on being “more than robots", Team 31 prides itself on being more than a team; We are not only just students building a robot. Our team includes our own families, mentors, and sponsors. Our team works almost 200 hours in a build season learning new skills and making friendships that will last a lifetime. The changes we have made this year have set up our team to be successful for seasons to come.
In 2012, Team 31 went from having very few consistent members to now having a dedicated "Robotics" room in the Jenks High School Math and Science Building. Our 600ft x 600ft work room has allowed us to build safely and grow our team. We are very thankful to the many parents, mentors, sponsors and students that have made "Team 31" what it is today.
Our team learns valuable skills for our future endeavors. We build not only ROBOTS but confidence within ourselves. We take ownership of all the projects we undertake and promote STEM throughout the community by hosting, sponsoring, and helping other teams host FIRST events, working with the Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma, as well as other younger kids in the Tulsa area, thus providing many future engineers, scientist and mathematicians the opportunity to explore their passion for STEM.
We are dedicated individuals with goals and dreams to build a better world!
It is the goal of each Prime Mover to leave the team as a responsible adult, capable of working as a member or a leader of any team, while also leaving a positive and lasting legacy on our community about the importance of hard work and perseverance. Our team strives to be exemplary gracious and professional at any event we attend, with the central mission of promoting STEM and the ideals of FIRST.
About Us
F.I.R.S.T. (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) was founded in 1989 by Dean Kamen and Woodie Flowers, and the F.I.R.S.T. robotics competition was launched in 1992. The organization's main goal is to develop ways to inspire students in engineering and technology fields. It is also known for its philosophy of cooperative competition, which is expressed by the organization as coopetition and gracious professionalism.
Just like FIRST prides itself on being “more than robots", Team 31 prides itself on being more than a team; We are not only just students building a robot. Our team includes our own families, mentors, and sponsors. Our team works almost 200 hours in a build season learning new skills and making friendships that will last a lifetime. The changes we have made this year have set up our team to be successful for seasons to come.
In 2012, Team 31 went from having very few consistent members to now having a dedicated "Robotics" room in the Jenks High School Math and Science Building. Our 600ft x 600ft work room has allowed us to build safely and grow our team. We are very thankful to the many parents, mentors, sponsors and students that have made "Team 31" what it is today.
Our team learns valuable skills for our future endeavors. We build not only ROBOTS but confidence within ourselves. We take ownership of all the projects we undertake and promote STEM throughout the community by hosting, sponsoring, and helping other teams host FIRST events, working with the Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma, as well as other younger kids in the Tulsa area, thus providing many future engineers, scientist and mathematicians the opportunity to explore their passion for STEM.
We are dedicated individuals with goals and dreams to build a better world!